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The history of HACCP

by 뻔뻔한 김대리 2024. 1. 16.

HACCP-Food Safety-Culinary World

Ensuring Food Safety with HACCP: A Crucial Milestone in the Culinary World

The concept of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) has revolutionized the food industry, ensuring 100% safety in food production. Initially introduced by Pillsbury in collaboration with the U.S. Army Natick Research Laboratories during the early 1960s, HACCP was developed to produce microbiologically safe space food for NASA's space missions. The pioneering work led to the official publication of HACCP principles by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1971.


Evolution of HACCP: A Journey from Space to Global Adoption

HACCP found its roots in the U.S. space program of the 1960s, where Pillsbury, responsible for developing space food for astronauts, sought a foolproof method to ensure food safety. This led to the proactive analysis and exclusion of potential hazards in space food production, laying the foundation for HACCP. The United States had long been dedicated to food safety research and development, prompting the National Academy of Science (NAS) to evaluate the effectiveness of the HACCP system in 1985. Subsequently, the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) was established in 1987, which published guidelines incorporating the seven principles of HACCP in 1989. Further enhancements, including the addition of questionnaire for hazard analysis, were made public in 1992.

In July 1993, the joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission drafted the "Guidelines for the Application of HACCP," recommending HACCP adoption worldwide. This pivotal moment marked the global embrace of HACCP, as nations across the world increasingly integrated it into their food production systems.


Advantages of HACCP Over Traditional Inspection Methods

Traditional food safety management practices primarily relied on inspection methods wherein final products were sampled for biological, chemical, and physical checks. However, the shortcomings of these methods included the inability to release products until inspection results were obtained, leading to substantial economic losses in case of issues. Additionally, process inspections during production were time-consuming and did not guarantee comprehensive safety of the entire food batch.

In stark contrast, HACCP enables real-time monitoring and immediate rectification of issues on the production floor. By predicting and preventing potential hazards in food production, HACCP focuses on deploying human and material resources to manage these hazards, ensuring the safety of the final products. This scientific and logical approach significantly overcomes the limitations of traditional inspection methods.


Efficiency and Effectiveness of HACCP

HACCP's ability to identify and manage specific hazards translates to efficient resource utilization, making it an economically viable option. Furthermore, the system empowers on-site staff to monitor specific processes intensively, enabling prompt corrective actions if critical limits are breached. Consequently, HACCP has earned global recognition as the most superior food safety management system due to its swift and preventive approach.

In conclusion, HACCP has emerged as a game-changer in the food industry, revolutionizing food safety management with its proactive and scientific methodology. The journey of HACCP from its inception in space food production to its global acceptance serves as a testament to its significance in ensuring the highest standards of food safety.