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Origin of Mentoring

by 뻔뻔한 김대리 2024. 1. 20.


The Importance of Mentoring in Modern Society

Mentoring, defined as forming relationships to influence, plays a crucial role in modern society. The origins of mentoring can be traced back to Greek mythology, specifically Homer's Odyssey, where in 1250 B.C., King Odysseus entrusted his weak son Telemachus to his friend and tutor, Mentor, before embarking on a 20-year war to destroy the kingdom of Troy.

The Role of Mentor in Odyssey

Mentor, a renowned philosopher and a wise figure of the time, educated the king's son using a conversational approach, invoking his imagination and providing nurturing guidance akin to that of a father or a friend. Despite Telemachus' initial hesitation, he eventually succumbed to the mentor's compassion and sincerity. Mentor entrusted Telemachus with the mission to find his father on the battlefield, shaping him into a brave and wise leader. This historical tale laid the foundation for one-on-one relationship-based educational programs in workplaces and organizations, now commonly referred to as mentoring.

The Legacy of Odyssey in Mentoring

The term "mentor" originates from the character Mentor in the Greek myth Odyssey, symbolizing the embodiment of dedication and completion of a task with grace. The profound bond between Mentor and Telemachus exemplifies the essence of mentoring.

The Influence of 17th Century France

The utilization of the Telemachus-Mentor story can be attributed to Penelon, a figure from 17th-century France. He adopted similar mentoring techniques to guide Louis, the grandson of Louis XIV. Through his book The Adventures of Telemachus in 1699, Penelon laid the groundwork for the mentoring philosophy, shaping the contemporary perception of mentors as leaders who guide individuals through relationships based on wisdom and trust.


In conclusion, the concept of mentoring, deeply rooted in ancient mythology and further developed in historical literature, continues to shape modern society by fostering relationships and guiding individuals toward personal and professional growth.